Some wit once quipped, when asked if he liked bathing beauties, “I don’t know; I’ve never bathed any.” If you can relate, this photo of Erna taking a shower by Eva Grant might offer some consolation. Accidentally walking in on a beautiful girl in the bathtub may be a cliché Continue Reading
Embark on a journey through the lives and lenses of the photographers who defined the glamour photography landscape of the 1950s and 1960s, such as Eva Grant, George Harrison Marks, John Everard, Horace Roye, Stephen Glass and his brother Zoltan.
Size Matters: Zoltán Glass’s Giant Props
It makes a change posting about Zoltán Glass instead of his brother Stephen. Zoltán ran one of the biggest and busiest studios around, working with pretty much every ad agency in England. With his amazing facilities, he could be indulgent when it came to specially built indoor sets and oversized Continue Reading
When Ferrier met Roye: a medium-spanning tribute to the nude
‘Walk in beauty / Vaunt thy rose / Flaunt thy transient loveliness’. So concludes the foreword to Arthur Ferrier’s Lovelies, a true pin-up curio and portrait of two erotic masters at the top of their game. Note the use of the plural ‘masters’, for this is not solely a Ferrier Continue Reading
Remembering Eva Grant (1925-2024)
With a heavy heart, I bear the sombre news of Eva Grant’s passing on Monday, 22 January 2024. She was a pioneering figure in the British glamour photography scene of the 1950s and ’60s. A luminary whose lens challenged the norms of such a male-commanded industry. As avid readers of Continue Reading
Philip Gotlop captures Pamela Green
A charming nude photograph featuring a young Pamela Green, captured by Philip Gotlop, an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society. Philip Gotlop, a British photographer, authored several photography manuals during his career. His publications encompassed professional manuals and practical guides. It is his later career, however, that brought him greater Continue Reading
What the Photographer Saw – Alan Duncan
Alan Duncan, a press photographer who ran an evening class at the Camera Club, was one of the first professional photographers to capture Pamela Green in the nude. This beautifully lit photograph, featuring deep tones and a lightly oiled body, emerged from their initial session in 1948. This particular print Continue Reading
Paula Page by Eva Grant
Paula Page’s modelling career began in the late 1950s. She was born in Shropshire in the late 1930s and studied to be a typist at school. Paula first took to nude modelling when she realised how much attention her figure attracted. She was a popular model on the circuit affectionately known Continue Reading
Pamela Green by Douglas Webb
I’ve not posted in a long time, as I treat here is a picture of Pamela Green — a little more mature than we usually get to see her. It was taken by Douglas Webb, and the scan is from the original colour transparency. Other news I had a delightful lunch Continue Reading
All About Eva Grant
Eva Grant, a.k.a. Lady Eva Hatch Baroness of Lusby, was one of the top glamour photographers of the 1950s and early ’60s. She was born in 1925 in Istanbul, Turkey, to Greek parents; in the 1930s, the family returned to Greece and settled in Athens, where Eva spent the Second Continue Reading
Nude Study by Eva Grant
Above is a delightful nude study by Eva Grant, one of the world’s foremost female figure photographers of the 1950sand ’60s. She was born in Istanbul, grew up in Greece, and became a student nurse in London. To supplement her meagre income, she did a bit of swimwear modelling, only Continue Reading