Welcome to Pamela Green’s official website. She set it up over fifteen ago in 2001, and her estate now runs it.
People think of the ’50s as a period of gloom and austerity – but for an enterprising young woman, with energy and joie de vivre, life was fulfilling and fun. Pamela Green funded her training as an artist at St Martin’s School of Art by working as a nude model. This opened the doors to a rich and varied life, which brought her into contact with many talented and unique people—both in front of and behind the camera.
Those of you who are already familiar with her work will know of her involvement with Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom and with one of the first British nudist films, Naked as Nature Intended, the nudist film genre being the only acceptable platform for nudity in British cinema at the time. I invite you and those who are newcomers to come in and take a closer look at Pamela’s work. I hope you will get some insight into life and times.
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