Early in his career, exploitation film director Stanely Long was the in-house photographer at the infamous but short-lived Irving Theatre. Around this time, In the mid-1950s, 3-D movies such as It came from out of Space were very much all the rage, and Long wanted a piece of the action. Continue Reading
3-D / Stereoscopy
Step into a new dimension of glamour photography by exploring 3-D imagery from the 1950s and 1960s. Immerse yourself in a world where beauty and stereoscopy converge to bring a heightened sense of realism to the female curves of yesteryear.
The 3-D Xploits of Douglas Webb
The 1950s was the golden era of 3-D movies with such classics as It Came from Outer Space, Creature From The Back Lagoon and Hitchcock’s Dial M For Murder. Just like the movie business, pin-up photography was a competitive game. Seeing the success of such movies, photographers such as Stanley Long and Horace Roye Continue Reading
The Roye-Vala 3-D Proces
One of these days I will write a biographical post about the photographer Horace Roye (1906 – 2002). Roye set up the Camera Studies Club during the war. In 1954 he teamed up with a gentleman called Vala and developed The Roye-Vala 3-D Process, with which they had some success. Continue Reading
Pamela Green in 3-D
George Harrison Marks and Pamela Green sometimes dabbled with 3-D photography. The results of which can be seen in Intimate Studies of Beauty No.6. This pocket publication was published by A. Hallé Ltd of London and forms part of a series of at least seven books. Apparently no expense was Continue Reading
Stereoscopic — caption contest !
While going through a box of archive material I came across this stereoscopic card. I don’t know anything about it. To me it looks it is from the 1920/30s. Not sure what they are up to but it seems fairly amusing, so I thought I would share it with you. Continue Reading