‘Walk in beauty / Vaunt thy rose / Flaunt thy transient loveliness’. So concludes the foreword to Arthur Ferrier’s Lovelies, a true pin-up curio and portrait of two erotic masters at the top of their game. Note the use of the plural ‘masters’, for this is not solely a Ferrier Continue Reading
Horace Roye
Horace Roye — Bibliography
Because you demanded it here is a list of books produced by Horace Roye (1906-2002). If I missed anything or if you see any errors, please let me know. For an illustrated bibliography of nude photography books published in England from 1896 to 1960 check out the latest release from Continue Reading
Horace Roye — A Short Biography
Horace Roye (born Horace Roye-Narbeth, 4 March 1906 – 11 June 2002) was considered one of the top British photographers of the 1930 and ’40s. His father was a socialist, but his mother had her own income and insisted on sending him to a private school, which may explain his Continue Reading
The Roye-Vala 3-D Proces
One of these days I will write a biographical post about the photographer Horace Roye (1906 – 2002). Roye set up the Camera Studies Club during the war. In 1954 he teamed up with a gentleman called Vala and developed The Roye-Vala 3-D Process, with which they had some success. Continue Reading