May 7th is one of those dates that marks the passing of time for me. It comes around far too quickly, for it is the day Pamela passed away back in 2010. I like to think I help keep her memory alive by continuing to run this site and I would like to thank everyone who has engaged by liking and sharing posts, commenting and getting in touch with me directly.
Here is a link to Pamela’s obituary in the Telegraph for those of you who didn’t see it the first time round. May she live long in our memories and continue to bring a smile to our faces.
The above photo is by Bertram Follett who Pamela worked for doing Camay and Cidal soap ads. Not sure why she is holding ribbon over her head. Has anyone got a copy of the original ad?
The traffic to this site is fairly steady, but if you can help boost and grow the audience, it would be much appreciated. If you have any suggestions about the site please drop me a line.
This photograph was taken by my father, Bertram Follett. My brother is currently in the process of going through a lot of his photographs as our mother has just died. Our father passed away in 1985. He was one of the first commercial photographers and was active until the 1970s
If you find any more of Pam I would love to see them.