Some wit once quipped, when asked if he liked bathing beauties, “I don’t know; I’ve never bathed any.” If you can relate, this photo of Erna taking a shower by Eva Grant might offer some consolation. Accidentally walking in on a beautiful girl in the bathtub may be a cliché Continue Reading
Discover a treasure trove of captivating anecdotes, pictures and curiosities that offer a multifaceted view of under-the-counter culture, including artefacts, behind-the-scenes snapshots and various bits of ephemera.
Arthur Ferrier’s Pin-up Parade
I’m excited to announce that the Kickstarter project I’m involved in launches on 12th November. Pin-up Parade is a limited-edition three-volume box set that offers an in-depth look at the work of Arthur Ferrier. Arthur Ferrier was a Scottish illustrator based in London, famed for his pin-up cartoons and comic Continue Reading
Colourizing Vintage Nude Photographs
For some time now, I’ve been wanting to try my hand at colourizing vintage nude photographs from my collection. I finally got around to it. Here are a few samples of my work, showing the before and after images. I must say they came out pretty okay. The transformation from Continue Reading
Zee Zee Martine’s Wolf Bait
Lisa Petrucci from Something Weird graciously sent me a stack of magazines, including two issues of a publication called Wolf Bait. Given that my publishing imprint shares the name, it was only natural for me to showcase them, even if I don’t typically cover the American glamour scene — there Continue Reading
Pocahontas: La Belle Sauvage
A charming picture of La Belle Sauvage taken by Stephen Glass in the mid-1950s. From the original negative. Model unknown. Somewhat off-topic, it was around this time that the publishers Cassell, who were founded in 1852 at La Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill, commissioned a nude statue of Princess Pocahontas Continue Reading
Seasonal Wishes from Pamela Green
As the holiday season is upon us, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you. I hope this festive time brings you joy, love, and cherished moments with your loved ones. This year has been busy. On top of all the regular work Continue Reading
Remembering Pamela Green
Thirteen years ago today, we lost my good friend Pamela Green. Her undeniable allure and captivating poses left an indelible mark on the world of glamour. I would like to thank all her fans and the readers of this blog for keeping her memory alive. Here’s a delightful picture of Continue Reading
Birthday wishes 2022
Pamela Green was born in 1929 and would have been 93 today. Looking down from the great nudist camp in the sky, I’m sure she would be surprised and somewhat chuffed that her website is still going strong. On behalf of her, a big thank you to all the site’s Continue Reading
2021 – A big thank you
A big thank you to everybody who has supported this website over the last year—especially those who have left comments, got in touch, and bought books. While 2021 was slightly more bearable than 2020, it’s still been a volatile year of uncertainty. Hopefully, you were occasionally able to take the Continue Reading
Skyclad witch – mystery image
As Halloween is just around the corner, I thought it would be an appropriate time to post this. It’s from an original photographic print I have. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the image. I was wondering if any of our readers can send shed some light. Who is the charming Continue Reading