The pin-up photographer George Harrison Marks has always been associated with Soho. Besides having his studio in Gerrard Street he lived there with Pamela Green in the 1950s before moving to a flat in The Wabe in Hampstead. But what about his relationship with Fitzrovia. At the film laboratories where Continue Reading
Harrison Marks
The Wabe in Reddington Road
Here’s a wonderful picture of Jean Spaul on the balcony of Pam and George’s flat in Reddington Road, where she stayed for a couple of months. Pam and George bought this flat after they stopped living in Gerrard Street. The flat was in a rambling house called The Wabe in Continue Reading
Kamera Cine Films
Publishers, such as George Harrison Marks quickly realised the potential 8mm film offered and before long the come hither curves of June Palmer, Vicky Kennedy and Paula Page were actually moving. It was like having a new girlfriend but without the Saturday night seduction — they disrobed at the flick Continue Reading
Badland Big’eads — A Harrison Marks Comedy
After the filming of Naked as Nature Intended, Pamela Green went to visit family in Holland. When she got back, she found the studio in the throes of preparing a silent 8mm comedy film called Badland Big’eads. It was to star George Harrison Marks and Stuart Samuels, as well as Continue Reading
50th Anniversary Edition – The Naked Truth
Back in print after 50 years is The Naked Truth about Harrison Marks. Originally written in 1967 by the journalist Franklyn Wood when Harrison Marks was at the height of his fame. The new edition comes with all new pictures and a brand new introduction by Gavin Whitaker. Get it Continue Reading
How to Take Glamour Studies
I’ve been meaning to do this for ages, and I finally got around to doing it. I’ve collected together a series of articles, that George Harrison Marks wrote in the 1950s on how to take glamour studies. You can download a free copy of the 67-page booklet when you subscribe to Continue Reading
Early Portrait of Pamela Green
As far as I know a never before published portrait of Pamela Green by George Harrison Marks. Not much to say except that I really like it. The image is a scan of an original print from my own personal collection and under copyright.
The Pleasure Principle at the BFI
Readers of this blog will be delighted to hear that the British Film Institute has digitised a couple of Kamera Cine films by Harrison Marks as part of the Pleasure Principle Collection. The collection offers a guide to illicit celluloid pleasures, from teasing Victorian views of corsets and petticoats to Continue Reading
The (Naked) World of Harrison Marks (1965)
After Naked as Nature Intended in 1961, George Harrison Marks’s next feature film was The Naked World of Harrison Marks (1965). This time, he would not only be the director and producer but as the title implied the star. The film is a pseudo-documentary look at his daily life, spliced Continue Reading
The Naked Truth by Gavin Whitaker
I recently managed to get hold of a copy of The Naked Truth About Harrison Marks, the 1967 biography of everyone’s favourite alcoholic, cat lover, glamour photographer and reluctant pornographer. Rather like Mary Millington’s late 1970s biography, its a famous mixture of fact and fiction and best approached by having Continue Reading