Badland Big’eads — A Harrison Marks Comedy

After the filming of Naked as Nature Intended, Pamela Green went to visit family in Holland. When she got back, she found the studio in the throes of preparing a silent 8mm comedy film called Badland Big’eads. It was to star George Harrison Marks and Stuart Samuels, as well as the entire male staff as a crowd of cowboys. Jim who worked in the darkroom was the bartender. The setting was a typical Western saloon. On the walls were WANTED posters of George and Stuart dressed as outlaws, complete with ridiculous make-up. On the wall behind the bar was a large painting of a nude girl painted by Pamela at very short notice.

Badland Big‘eads starring eorge Harrison Marks and Stuart Samuels, Pamela Green

Pamela Green was to be Miss Kitty for which she needed an Edwardian dress. She went to Nathan’s costume house (now part or Angels) to see what she could find. She came back with some feather boas, a diamante choker, long drop earrings, a tight-fitting silk dress with a plunging neckline, boots and a hat. The hat was a Cecil Beaton creation of epic proportions, black and shaped like an artist’s palette, with tulle and coloured feathers swirling around the brim. The boots, in black and pink lace, were those worn by Jayne Mansfield in the film The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw. Now there’s a bit of trivia for you.

A nude pamela Green wearing a hat.
On the set, Pamela Green posed for photos wearing just the boots, the hat and the feather boas. The picture was used for December in the 1963 Kamera Calendar in which you can clearly see her showing off the boots.

Badland Big’eads was the usual formula: There were glasses, bottles and large quantities of ‘beer’ flung about all over the place. Two toy pistols had been carefully packed with gunpowder for George and Stuart to fire. The first and only time they were used, the barrels split and curled back alarmingly. At the height of the bar fight, Pamela enters the room, sees the damage and picks up two bottles and smashes them over the heads of the two outlaws. Breakaway glass bottles had been put in the fridge to make them even more brittle — an old special effects dodge. Unfrozen, they could administer a hefty clout. George had been exceptionally tiresome that day, keeping everybody running around. His bottle, strangely or rather ‘accidently’ wasn’t frozen.









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