The cinematic tale of Harrison Marks’ nudist feature Naked as Nature Intended, the iconic film that brought us Pamela Green in her birthday suit. Behind-the-scenes exclusives and never before seen pictures. The text is taken from Pamela’s unpublished biography. The photos are by Douglas Webb who was the stills photographer on set. Hardback and ebook versions are available.
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Happy memories of the 1950’s
I used to work with a man back in the seventies who did some work for Harrison Marks. Stills and movies. This would have been in the sixties when he was in his twenties. I only ever saw him in one of those A5 size magazines. Went from him and a very lovely woman fully clothed to naked and a climax shot. Looked like they were having fun! He would tell me what the women used to do to keep them erect during scene changes! This is something I would have loved to have done when younger.