Time for another Arthur Fox post. The design of this small handbill, for the Royal Pavilion in Blackpool, was probably used for a poster as well. It is for Arthur Fox’s Summer Revue, The Folies Striptease, starring Sabra Samarr, Blondie Haigh, Mademoiselle Desiree (a.k.a. Cynthia Keen) and Jane Eyre. It is dated 1964.
Sabra Samarr began her career as the assistant to a mind reader. She eventually started peeling and performed in the Latin Quarter in 1959 for 6 months. She was known as the Turkish Kitten, for Belly Dancing was her thing.
The Mancunian, Blondie Haigh, was famed for her Godiva act. She apparently once rode through Piccadilly on a white horse dressed (or undressed) as Lady Godiva.
For more about Desiree see my Beauty and the Beast post.